Carols After a Plague (2021)

Urgency, Tone-Policing, Resolve

Commissioned by The Crossing

Total Duration: 11m
Urgency: 4m20s
Tone-Policing: 2m20s
Resolve: 4m20s

Music: Shara Nova
Text: Shara Nova

Available individually, or as a set of 3

These pieces have intentionally open language so that you may program them in various ways.  Initially the songs were given the context of anti-racism, but later have been programmed within a setting of songs about the extinction of bird species.  The meaning of the words changes given different contexts, and I trust that wherever you choose to program these songs, the meanings will only continue to expand further.  


May these songs be a small contribution to a culture of healing. Of slowing down our pace and demands for production. Of normalizing conversations about racism. Of learning to notice the cultural habit of tone-policing Black women. And be a call to come back to the commitment that we may have made to join the Black Lives Matter movement when George Floyd was murdered, but then we grew weary of the fight for equality for various reasons. May we resolve to lean into our discomforts and bend our wills to work evermore for a harmonious ecological relationship and a just democracy.

I want to acknowledge the work of Resmaa Menakem and his book “My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies” and the impact his teaching has had on this music.


Carols after a Plague: I. Urgency


Carols after a Plague: II. Tone​-​policing


Carols after a Plague: III. Resolve


Carols after a Plague: Set of 3

(Urgency, Tone-policing, Resolve)

If you need financial assistance to purchase sheet music, please send us an email.


Take care of yourselves and each other as you sing, as you listen
to each other.
In the beginning
there was the sound of cymbals crashing.
And in the end all things will drift away
just as a noise disappears into silence.
While here in the between time you are in a rush.
How is it that it came to be?
How is it that you are able to imagine
before and after time?
How is it to slow down time
and wander and wonder out under the sky.

Silence not Holy Black Madonna
Mother of All
Offer sacred praise to her
If not, thy tongue should silence give
Holy tone she is
Wholly listen in

I wish you great joy in the perpetual discomfort,
in the shifting of the paradigm.
There will be no ease for a while.
What is your question?
Be not discouraged, do not fall into numbness.
Resolve to increase your discomfort,
and thus attain a calm body.
Be curious of one another.
Scribe the shared truths of history.
Reap the reward, truth.
Do not abandon high ideals.
Do not run to distraction.
Do not run from your discomfort.
Be curious.
Return to your commitments.
Increase your discomfort to find your joy,
and live humbly under the sun.

Beth Beauchamp

Having worked as a professional musician, a music-educator, and the Executive Director of a number of non-profit arts organizations, Beth has over 10 years of experience in catering to the unique needs of artists. Beth believes that the talent, education, and skill-sets of her clients have inherent worth. As a passionate artist advocate, she aims to help her artists improve the quality of their own lives by encouraging them to honor the value of their own work, and by creating materials which allow them to champion their art with confidence. Equally interested in building community, Beth aims to create a roster of artists who are excited to support and collaborate together.

I Have Never Loved Someone (2018)


Tratar de Transformar (2019)